Sludge Treatment
Sludge removal is a huge cost born by sites, most Operator’s just waste sludge when it suits, not necessarily when the system requires sludge to be removed. Often this is due to Operators not understanding the biological requirements of their system.
Sludge should only be wasted when the system biology demands which is tested either via an MLSS or SSV test.
We can assist in managing and minimising sludge wasting which in turn can save significant costs.
We can also offer sludge treatment systems that may allow you to recycle the sludge onsite and re-use possibly as an enhancer for topsoil.
Captive Dispersal Systems
A captive dispersal system is where a client needs to disperse treated effluent but rather than go into the ground (more expensive license fees under EA) we can set up a Captive Dispersal System where effluent is irrigated to specific plants held in large containers for transpiration. Normally these systems are set up in hot houses so that rain infiltration and climatic conditions are lessened.
Old Plants Rebuilt & Made Compliant
This is probably the main thing that sets us apart from others. Most other companies just want to sell you a totally new system to replace your existing system where as we prefer to fix existing systems where economically feasible.
It may be the system is not meeting your release conditions due to incorrect design or increased populations and flows.
This does not necessarily mean the existing system needs to be replaced. Often a system just needs augmenting to allow it to handle higher flows or de-nitrification. We can assess your system against your release conditions and provide economical options to make your system meet regulations. If you’re having trouble with EPA/DEHP/DIS or anyone else we can assist in negotiations as most Government bodies just need to see that you are attending to the problem and you are fixing any issues.